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Top 5 mini project ideas based on HTML.

Here are some mini project ideas based on HTML:

1. Personal Portfolio Website

Creating a personal portfolio website is a great way to showcase your skills and experience in web design. You can use HTML to create a simple, yet visually appealing website that showcases your work, experience, and projects.

personal website

2. E-commerce Product Landing Page

An e-commerce product landing page is a great way to practice using HTML to create a professional-looking page that showcases a product or service. You can create a landing page that includes a product description, pricing, and call-to-action buttons to encourage visitors to make a purchase.

e-commerce product landing page

3. Online Resume/CV

An online resume or CV is a great way to showcase your skills and experience to potential employers. You can create a simple and professional website that includes your work history, education, and skills, along with links to your online portfolio and social media profiles.

online resume/CV

4. Restaurant Website:

Creating a website for a fictional restaurant is a fun way to practice using HTML to create a website that includes a menu, location, and hours of operation. You can also include photos of the restaurant and customer reviews to make the website more engaging.

restaurant websites

5. Travel Blog:

A travel blog is a great way to practice using HTML to create a visually appealing website that includes photos and descriptions of your travel experiences. You can also include recommendations for things to do and see in each location to make the blog more informative and useful to readers.

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