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Write a program of Abstract Classes.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

// Abstract class Shape

class Shape {


   virtual float calculateArea() = 0;  // Pure virtual function


// Derived class Circle

class Circle : public Shape {


   float radius;


   Circle(float r) : radius(r) {}

   float calculateArea() override {

       return 3.14 * radius * radius;



// Derived class Rectangle

class Rectangle : public Shape {


   float length, width;


   Rectangle(float l, float w) : length(l), width(w) {}

   float calculateArea() override {

       return length * width;



int main() {

   Shape* shapes[2];  // Array to hold Shape pointers

   shapes[0] = new Circle(5);

   shapes[1] = new Rectangle(4, 6);

   for (Shape* shape : shapes) {

       cout << “Area of shape: ” << shape->calculateArea() << endl;


   // Clean up memory

   for (Shape* shape : shapes) {

       delete shape;


   return 0;



Area of shape: 78.5

Area of shape: 24

Here’s a step-by-step explanation of the code:

1. Header and Namespace:

  • #include <iostream>: Includes the iostream header for input/output operations.
  • using namespace std;: Brings the std namespace into scope for convenient use of elements like cout, cin, and endl.

2. Abstract Class Shape:

  • class Shape { … }: Defines an abstract class named Shape, representing general shapes.
    • public: virtual float calculateArea() = 0;: Declares a pure virtual function named calculateArea(), making the class abstract.

3. Derived Classes Circle and Rectangle:

  • class Circle : public Shape { … }: Derived class representing circles, inheriting from Shape.
    • private: float radius;: Private member to store the radius.
    • public: Circle(float r) : radius(r) {}: Constructor to initialize the radius.
    • float calculateArea() override { … };: Overrides the calculateArea() function to implement area calculation for circles.
  • class Rectangle : public Shape { … }: Derived class representing rectangles, also inheriting from Shape.
    • private: float length, width;: Private members to store length and width.
    • public: Rectangle(float l, float w) : length(l), width(w) {}: Constructor to initialize length and width.
    • float calculateArea() override { … };: Overrides the calculateArea() function to implement area calculation for rectangles.

4. Main Function:

  • int main() { … }: The program’s entry point.
    • Shape shapes[2];*: Declares an array to hold Shape pointers.
    • shapes[0] = new Circle(5);: Creates a Circle object and stores its address in the first array element.
    • shapes[1] = new Rectangle(4, 6);: Creates a Rectangle object and stores its address in the second array element.
    • for (Shape shape : shapes) { … }*: Iterates through the shapes array.
      • cout << “Area of shape: ” << shape->calculateArea() << endl;: Calls the calculateArea() function through the Shape pointer, which dynamically dispatches to the appropriate derived class’s implementation.
    • // Clean up memory: Deallocates the dynamically allocated objects to prevent memory leaks.

5. Key Points:

  • Abstract Classes: Abstract classes cannot be instantiated directly, serving as blueprints for derived classes.
  • Pure Virtual Functions: A class with at least one pure virtual function becomes abstract.
  • Polymorphism: The ability to treat objects of different classes similarly through their common base class.
  • Dynamic Dispatch: The runtime mechanism that determines which implementation of a virtual function to call based on the object’s actual type.
  • Output: The program’s output will be:

Area of shape: 78.5

Area of shape: 24

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