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Write a program to find the square of a given number.

Below is the program to find the square of a given number in C programming with step-by-step explanation.


int main()


   float number, square;

   printf(“Please Enter any integer Value : “);

   scanf(“%f”, &number);

   square = number * number;

   printf(“square of a given number %.2f is  =  %.2f”, number, square);

   return 0;



Please Enter any integer Value : 4

square of a given number 4.00 is  =  16.00

 let’s break down the C program step by step:

  1. #include <stdio.h>: This line includes the standard input-output library, which provides functions like printf and scanf for input and output operations.
  2. int main(): This line marks the beginning of the main function, which is the entry point of a C program. It returns an integer (int) value to the operating system when the program finishes running. In this case, it takes no arguments, indicated by the empty parentheses ().
  3. {: The curly brace marks the beginning of the main function’s body, where the actual code of the program resides.
  4. float number, square;: Here, you declare two floating-point variables: number and square. number will be used to store the input integer value, and square will store the square of that value.
  5. printf(“Please Enter any integer Value: “);: This line uses the printf function to display the message “Please Enter any integer Value: ” on the console, prompting the user to input an integer.
  6. scanf(“%f”, &number);: This line uses the scanf function to read input from the user. It expects a floating-point value (%f) and stores it in the number variable. The & operator is used to provide the memory address of the number variable so that scanf can write the input value to it.
  7. square = number * number;: Here, you calculate the square of the input number by multiplying the number by itself and store the result in the square variable.
  8. printf(“square of a given number %.2f is = %.2f”, number, square);: This line uses printf to display the result. It prints the input number, rounded to two decimal places (%.2f), along with the calculated square, also rounded to two decimal places.
  9. return 0;: This line indicates the end of the main function and returns an exit status of 0 to the operating system, which typically signifies successful execution of the program.
  10. }: The closing curly brace marks the end of the main function’s body and, thus, the end of the program.

When you run this program:

It prompts you to enter an integer value.

You input an integer (in this case, “4”) and press Enter.

The program calculates the square of the input value (4 * 4 = 16.00, since we’re using floating-point variables).

It then displays the input value and its square as “square of a given number 4.00 is = 16.00,” with both numbers rounded to two decimal places.

So, in your provided example, when you entered “4,” the program displayed the result as shown.

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