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Top 50 recent speaking cue cards

In the speaking module of IELTS, many students lack their confidence. They feel fear about which kind of questions will the examiner ask from them. For this, you need to practice as much as you can.

So here we have provided top 50 recent speaking cue cards from January to April 2020. These cue cards will help you to be prepared for your upcoming test.

1. Talk About a Female Leader You Would Like to Meet.

  1. Who is she?
  2. What does she do?
  3. Why would you like to meet her?

2. Describe a product or application which is based on artificial intelligence.

  1. What is it??
  2. How do you hear about it?
  3. How and why do you use it?

3. Describe a photo that you remember well.

  1. Which photo was it?
  2. Why do you remember it?
  3. Why is it special?

4. Describe a place where you want to read or write, apart from home?

  1. What is it?
  2. Where is it?
  3. Why do you go there to read and write?

5. Describe one of your family members you spend most of the time with?

  1. Who is it? 
  2. When you are usually together? 
  3. What do you do together?  and explain why you spend the most time with this member of your family? 

6. Talk about a group activity you did.


Describe an experience you had as a member of a team. 

  1. What was it? 
  2. How did you do it?
  3. How did you feel? 

7. Describe an advertisement that you remember. 

  1. What is it? 
  2. When and where you saw it? 
  3. What happens in it? 

8. Talk about a person who has apologized to you. 

  1. Who apologized to you?
  2. When he/she apologized to you?
  3. Why he/she apologized?

9. Describe a time when the weather caused you to change your plan. 

  1. When it happened? 
  2. What happened? 
  3. How you changed your plan? 

10. Describe a situation when you were not allowed to use cell phone. 

  1. Where was it?
  2. When was it?
  3. Why were you not allowed?
  4. What did you want to do with your cell phone?

11. Describe a crowded place you have visited.

  1. Where is it? 
  2. When you went there? 
  3. With whom you went there? 
  4. And explain how you felt about being there. 

12. Job you would not like to do in the future. 

  1. What is the job
  2. Why don’t you want to do it?
  3. How do you feel about the job?

13. Describe a situation or a time when you helped someone. 

  1. What the situation was?
  2. Who the person was?
  3. How you helped them?
  4. Explain how your felt after helping them?

14. Describe an indoor game that you liked to play when you were a child.

  1. What is it? 
  2. With whom did you play? 
  3. How often you played it? 
  4. How did you feel about it? 

15. Describe a performance you recently watched. 

  1. What it was?
  2. When you watched it?
  3. Who you were with?
  4. Why you watched it and how you felt about it?

16. Describe a change that can improve your local area. 

  1. What it is?
  2. How it can be done?
  3. What problem it will solve?
  4. How you feel about it? 

17. Describe an occasion when you lost something and then got it back. 

  1. What you lost?
  2. How you lost it?
  3. Where you found it?
  4. How you felt about it?

18. Describe a time when you were excited. 

  1. Where you were?
  2. When it was?
  3. Who you were with?
  4. Explain why were you excited?

19. Describe a time when you traveled by public transportation. 

  1. When you travelled?
  2. Where you travelled?
  3. What was the purpose of your travel?
  4. How you felt about it?

20. Describe an interesting conversation you had with someone. 

  1. Who the person was? 
  2. Where the conversation took place? 
  3. What you talked about? and explain why you found the conversation interesting.

21. Describe a film you would like to share with your friends. 

  1. Where you watched it? 
  2. What it was about? 
  3. Who you watched it with? 
  4. Why you want to share it with friends?

22. Describe a School you went to in your Childhood. 

  1. Where it was?
  2. What it was like?
  3. What did you learn there?
  4. How did you feel about it?

23. Describe a leisure activity that you do with your family. 

  1. What you do? 
  2. Who you do it with? 
  3. Where you do it? and explain why you like to spend your free time this way.

24. Describe an experience when you were with people and you got bored. 

  1. When was it? 
  2. Where was it? 
  3. Why did you get bored? 
  4. How you felt about it?

25. Describe a product made in the region you come from.

  1. What it is, how it looks like? 
  2. What is it used for? 
  3. How is it made? 
  4. Explain why your country makes it? 

26. Describe an advice you received on your subjects or work. 

  1. Who advised you? 
  2. What advice did he/she give? 
  3. Are you happy with the advice? 

27. Describe a time when you first met someone. 

  1. Who was it? 
  2. Where did you meet? 
  3. When was it? 
  4. How was your experience? 

28. Describe a special day or event that made you happy. 

  1. What event it was? 
  2. When it was? 
  3. What you did? 

29. Talk about a gift for which you spent a long time to choose. 

  1. What it was? 
  2. Who you bought it for? 
  3. Where you bought it from? and explain how he/she felt after receiving it.

30. Describe an experience when you played an indoor game with others. 

  1. What you played? 
  2. Who you played with? 
  3. Why you played? 
  4. How you felt about it?

31. Describe a time you were sleepy but had to stay awake. 

  1. When did it happen?
  2. Why you were sleepy?
  3. Why you had to stay awake?
  4. And how you stayed awake?

32. Describe a practical skill you learned. 

  1. What this skill was? 
  2. When you learned it? 
  3. How you learned it? and explain why you think it was important?

33. Talk about someone who encourages you to achieve goals. 

  1. Who is the person?
  2. How is he/she related to you?
  3. How does he/she encourage you?
  4. Explain something about that person which you like the most.

34. Describe a time when you were cheated. 

  1. What was the occasion?
  2. Who was the person?
  3. What did he or she do?

35. Talk about a newly built public facility that improves local life quality. 

  1. What the facility is?
  2. Where it is?
  3. How does it improve life quality?
  4. How do you feel about it?

36. Talk about something that you borrowed from your friend.

  1. What was that?
  2. From whom you borrowed it?
  3. Why did you borrow it?

37. Describe an important journey that was delayed.

  1. Why was it important? 
  2. What caused the delay? 
  3. What happened at the end? 

38. Describe a goal that you achieved, which was set by yourself. 

  1. What it was? 
  2. When did you set it? 
  3. How did you achieve it? 
  4. Explain how it influenced your life.

39. Describe An Interesting Animal. 

  1. What does it look like?
  2. When did you saw it?
  3. Where did you saw it?
  4. Explain why it is interesting?

40. Describe an article on health that you read from a magazine or online.

  1. What the article was? 
  2. When and where you read it? 
  3. What you learned from the article? 
  4. Explain why you think it is a good or bad article. 

41. Describe an important piece of news that you received via text message.

  1. Who shared the message with you?
  2. What the news was about?
  3. How was it written? and explain why the news was important?

42. Describe something you bought that was difficult to use at first. 

  1. What is it?
  2. When you bought it?
  3. What does it do?
  4. Explain how difficult was it to be used?

43. Describe a successful small business that you know. 

  1. What is the business is?
  2. Where it is?
  3. Who runs the business/how do you know about this business? and explain why you think it is successful?

44. Describe the happiest day you had. 

  1. Where you were?
  2. Who you were with?
  3. What you did? and explain why you think it was the happiest day?

45. Describe a uniform you wear (at your school or company). 

  1. When you wear it?
  2. Who bought it for you?
  3. What does it look like?
  4. How you feel about it?

46. Describe a kind of foreign food you have had. 

  1. What it was? 
  2. When you ate it? 
  3. Where you ate it?
  4. How did you feel after eating it? 

47. Describe a practical skill you learned.

  1. What this skill was? 
  2. When you learned it? 
  3. How you learned it? 
  4. And explain why you think it was important?

48. Describe a time when you were outside and rain started.

  1. Where you were on this day?
  2. What the weather was like on this day?
  3. What did you do during the day?

49. Describe a person you have seen (met) who is beautiful or handsome.

  1. When and where you saw or met this person?
  2. What the person looked like?
  3. Why do you think this person is handsome or beautiful?

50. Describe an occasion when you received incorrect information.

  1. What was the incorrect information?
  2. When did it happen?
  3. Why you got it?
  4. How you found out the information was incorrect?
  5. How you managed the situation?
  6. How you felt about it?

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